Posts tagged Texture Tonic
Aveda Texture Tonic: the ultimate styling spray

Hairstyle without the effort? Aveda has the solution and is called Texture Tonic, the first spray that, thanks to the salt-sugar combination, transforms your hair in seconds, delivering definition, texture, and volume but keeping it luminous and moisturized. Bye Bye traditional sprays and crunchy residues, finally beach waves can be soft and pleasing to the touch.

Hairstyle without the effort? Aveda ha la soluzione e si chiama Texture Tonic, il primo spray che, grazie alla combinazione sale-zucchero, trasforma in un secondo le vostre chiome, donandogli definizione, tenuta, texture e volume ma mantenendole luminose e idratate. Addio spray tradizionali, da oggi le beach waves si fanno morbide e piacevoli al tatto. 

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